What to wear – Murrayburn Early Years Childcare Centre

Make sure your child is dressed comfortably with clothes which are easy to slip on and off.  The children also need clothes which will encourage independence when going to the toilet. Avoid tight clothes that are difficult to unfasten, and help us to prevent accidents. This will help both your child and staff.

The children require a change of shoes for indoor use. We suggest gym shoes with Velcro fastenings. Please do not send your child to nursery in lace-up shoes.

With the development of outdoor play, we also request that each child wears wellies for outdoor play. We do have spares but it is very helpful if they have their own.

Please ensure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name, e.g. a name label on all sweatshirts, tops, jackets, hats, shoes and Wellington boots. It really does help us to identify your child’s possessions if they mislay them, and all gym shoes tend to look similar!

Be prepared for clothes to get splashes of paint, mud, water, glue, etc on them from time to time – but hopefully not all on the same day!

Old clothes are fine and a jacket or anorak is always needed for outdoor play.

We encourage children to be independent by supporting them to:

  • find their own cloakroom pegs
  • take off/hang up their own coats.
  • find their own name at self-registration

Children should not bring their own toys to nursery, as lost or damaged toys can cause great distress.