Opening Hours – Murrayburn Early Years Childcare Centre

Murrayburn EYCC is open from the following times:

Nursery Times Mon to Thursday 8am to 3.30pm
  • For security reasons the front door is not open until 8am to 8.15am. Collection is from the nursery gate at 3.30pm sharp. It is important however, that you arrive in good time, both at the start and end of the session. This allows the nursery team the time they need to prepare the room and deliver exciting opportunities for your children.
  • Due to the extended nursery hours and the legal requirement for staff breaks, there will be no staff in the nursery after collection times. We understand that parents can be late to collect their child occasionally. In this case, we will take your child to the school office and they should be collected from there.
  • No child will be allowed to leave the Nursery with anyone under the age of 16.  If someone different from usual is to collect the child, we ask that you let us know.