Murrayburn Early Years Childcare Centre

The Murrayburn EYCC, located within Murrayburn Primary school building, has facilities for 30 children. We have one large classroom staffed by a team of qualified personnel and managed by our Deputy Head Teacher and Early Years Officer.

At Murrayburn, the children work with the staff in an ordered, carefully planned environment with equipment and activities suited to their individual needs and interests.

What is Nursery All About?

Nursery is about providing a a stimulating, challenging environment that encourages your child to learn, develop and feel valued, and to enable you, as parents/ carers to become actively involved with school and and their education.

  • offer young children a wide range of opportunities for exploring their world and acquiring skills, knowledge and understanding, which will provide a foundation for their learning in the Primary School and in the world beyond the classroom.
  • provide equality of access and enable all children to maximise their progress in all areas of their development.
  • provide a wide range of quality resources and support each child in learning through free play as well as planned and structured play opportunities.
  • provide support for all children and their families in nurturing their general wellbeing, health, nutrition and safety.
  • encourage in each child, a respect for self and for others so they learn to value and care for each other and develop self-esteem.
  • Provide a staff team with effective leadership and management skills to develop good relationships and clear communication with families and children.

Our Nursery Principles

  • Young children learn best through play, first hand experience and talk.
  • Children develop at their own pace but adults can stimulate and encourage learning.
  • A partnership approach with parents and carers is most effective. Parents and carers are the child’s first educators.
  • Learning is holistic: developing interest, trust, values, social, physical and emotional skills are as important as cognitive gains.
  • Positive interaction between adults and children and between children are important in early years.
  • The staff team are committed to continual professional development.